This is the time to map out your day with the entire team present.
Everyone has a role in how the day will flow and before it begins is the time to prepare.
Its theme: Efficiency
The meeting should take no more than 15 minutes and its benefits will be felt all day long!
Decide who will be responsible for leading the meeting, or rotate through the team and stay on task. This daily playbook will be used to navigate the patient flow in an effort to provide high-touch patient service while maximizing financial success.
The morning meeting is NOT the time to talk about the heavy traffic on the 5 or your daughter’s morning meltdown or worst of all…wasting time by reading the schedule to each other…this is a planning and motivational session for your patients and your practice success!
We have found that those who implement a morning planning session have a much higher degree of team cohesiveness, they are proactive with improvements and change, they have greater financial success and these teams have a higher sense of “ownership” in the practice success.
End the meeting on a positive note! A high five or an inspirational quote or a good joke to begin the day with a smile!
Below is an example to pick apart and make your own. Enjoy! And if you would like further tips on making this an efficient and effective part of the day give us a holler below!
If you like what you’re reading…share it with your friends and colleagues!
Any questions or comments? Be sure to comment below and we will get back to you!